Risk Disclosure

Risk Disclosure

The views contained on the site are for educational and informational purposes only. The views expressed by the authors are solely their own, and coincidental with the authors' profession. These views do not reflect the views of any brokerage, bank, clearing firm, or exchange.

The authors provide neither trading nor investment advice. The authors are not responsible for any of their readers' trading and/or investment decisions. Any trading and/or investment decisions that anyone makes, whether or not it was influenced by any of the content on this email, are solely that person's decisions. Any orders that the authors might fill electronically or on the trading floor are subject to the same stipulations.

Trading securities and derivative products involves the risk of substantial loss, and may not be suitable for all people. Trading on margin involves leverage (i.e., establishing a position in assets that have a greater value than the required initial deposit). Investors could lose more than their initial deposit with their broker. Only risk capital should be used when trading highly leveraged products. You should consider carefully consider the inherent risks of relevant financial products in light of your financial situation and goals.

You should review the appropriate customer account agreement and risk disclosure prior to establishing an account with your broker. Past results are not necessarily indicative of futures results.